Friendship Ended with Java, Javascripts my New Bestfriend Now

06 Sep 2019

Over the past few years I have been introduced to a handful of languages such as Python, Java, C++ and C. But none of those languages were as easy to learn as Javascript was when I just picked it up about a week ago. Advantageous things I like about Javascript is that the syntax of the language does not require you to be as specific with your code as Java or C and comes across as a more user friendly language. Similar to Python where it makes coding easier for the user and has quality of life updates and shortcuts in coding like ES6. An example of the differences is that Javascript does not require that you allocate and deallocate memory as you would do in C, it does that automatically for you. This language stands out from the rest of my known languages because it is my first web coding language that will allow me to gain experience in web design and applications which I wouldn’t be able to do with other languages. Javascript ES6 is where the differences and advantages of this language show through with how efficiently it allows you to write certain blocks of code compared to other languages where it would be far more tedious and require more code. An example is the arrow functions which allow you to significantly downsize the amount of code used in a certain function or operation while still keeping your code readable and clean. Also array an object deconstruction in ES6 allows for a fast and efficient way to access data stored in arrays and objects with simpler syntax. As far as utilizing this language for software engineering I think javascript exceeds in web software engineering. My reasoning being it is a client-side script which is useful for using programs over the web and Javascript allows interactive creative website that all load on the client side so that these webpages and features will remain once they have been loaded. So far my impressions of Javascript are overall positive viewing it as an accessible but also powerful language to develop interactive and dynamic websites and software.

The introduction of athletic software engineering was a bit jarring for me at first with the pressure of a time limit on your code. But overall is improving my critical thinking skills and ability as a programmer. The practice WODs and the actual WODs force me to be more efficient when solving a problem and is training my brain to think more critically and efficiently. I am experiencing some growing pains from these exercises but im sure that it will help me improve immensely in my speed and strategies when solving coding problems. The WODs have been stressful for me personally because I don’t perform well under pressure but I’m hoping to see improvement in my results aiming to be prepared for real world interviews when trying to land jobs with a tech companys in the future.